Amazon Puffer: A Community Fish Or Just Another Aggressive Puffer? - Badman's Tropical Fish (2024)

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Patrice Chandler

With more than 15 years in the fishkeeping industry, I have set up, maintained, and tweaked hundreds of aquarium setups and models, each experience teaching me something new and valuable. As a graduate in animal welfare, I have also been involved with major associations in the field (Assn of Zoos and Aquariums, MASNA). Phone: + 1 917 9638635 Address: 1178 Broadway, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10001, United States.

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Amazon Puffer: A Community Fish Or Just Another Aggressive Puffer? - Badman's Tropical Fish (3)

The Amazon Puffer is a member of the Tetraodontidae family, which comprises many species of marine and freshwater fish that nearly resemble the ever so popular porcupinefish. This species of fish also goes by the common names Peruvian Puffer Fish, Bee Puffer, Amazonian Puffer, and Brazilian Puffer.

Unfortunately, the Internet is plagued with inaccurate information about these little guys. Even attendants in fish stores have delivered erroneous care guides at times. So we suggest reading this care guide in detail if you are smitten with Amazon Puffers. Equipped with the correct knowledge, your little fish will reward you with years of companionship!


  • Stats
  • Overview
  • Amazon Puffers in the Wild
  • How Do Amazon Puffers Look?
  • What Happens If I Touch a Puffer Fish?
  • Behavior and Temperament
  • – Do Freshwater Puffer Fish Puff Up?
  • Amazon Puffer Fish Care
  • Tank Mates
  • Tank Setup
  • Breeding
  • Conclusion

Amazon Puffer: A Community Fish Or Just Another Aggressive Puffer? - Badman's Tropical Fish (4)Stats

Misgurnus anguillicaudatus
Common NamesPeruvian Puffer Fish, Bee Puffer, Amazonian Puffer, Brazilian Puffer
Ave. Size3 inches
Lifespan10 years
Tank Size55 gallons
Temperature74 to 80 F
Care LevelDifficult


Amazon Puffer: A Community Fish Or Just Another Aggressive Puffer? - Badman's Tropical Fish (5)The South American Puffer, scientifically known as Colomesus asellus, was described by Archaster Müller & Troschel in 1849. Here at Bad Man’s Tropical Fish, we greatly encourage the use of scientific names as common names tend to be misleading.

But because people will Google search “Amazon Puffer” instead of “Colomesus asellus,” we have to make concessions sometimes. That said, this care sheet will refer to the fish in question by its most frequently used common name so that hobbyists can access the information they need in a cinch.

Amazon Puffers in the Wild

As its common name suggests, this species is found naturally in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. Throughout these South American countries, the fish inhabit varying water conditions. You can find them in floodplains, rivers, and lakes.

One thing that makes the Amazonian Puffer fish exceptional is that they travel from rivers to flooded estuaries in the Amazon. These puffers prefer fast-flowing waters abundant in oxygen. Whether the water is soft and acidic or hard and alkaline, these fish will survive.

How Do Amazon Puffers Look?

Amazon Puffers are popular in the aquarium hobby and aquarists refer to them as “oddballs” due to their cute and comical look. But compared to their cousins, Bee puffers are even more eccentric. While most pufferfish are aggressive and reclusive, the Amazon Puffer is peaceful and non-aggressive. Therefore, these oddballs are suitable for a community tank setting.

To the untrained eye, the Amazon Puffer can be easily mistaken for its relatives. But once you have taken enough time to make yourself familiar with this species, it is going to be a lot easier to distinguish it from its cousins.

Amazon Puffer: A Community Fish Or Just Another Aggressive Puffer? - Badman's Tropical Fish (6)How Big Do Amazon Puffers Get?

The Amazon Puffer size maxes 3 inches, making it one of the smallest species of pufferfish in the hobby.

– Distinct Features

The Amazonian Puffer resembles a chubby bee due to its black stripes and that is why Bee Puffer is its alternate common name. The following list should help you identify the Amazon Puffer:

  • One ring before the caudal fin
  • One stripe above the eye
  • One stripe behind the eye
  • One stripe under the dorsal fin
  • Five stripes running across the back

The Amazon Puffer closely resembles its cousin, the Colomesus psittacus, also known as the Banded Puffer. The latter, however, does not have the prominent dark spot on the underside just before the caudal fin that the C. asellus has. Also, the Branded Puffer is a brackish species and is also much larger.

– Colors and Patterns

The Amazon Puffer has a greenish-yellow body while its underbelly is lighter in color. But as with other species of pufferfish, the intensity of the colors may vary from one specimen to another. Not all Bee Puffers will be as bold in terms of color. Some specimens may have a vague patterning as well.

– Do Puffer Fish Have Spikes?

Yes, they do! Instead of scales, tiny poisonous spines cover the body of the Amazon Puffer. However, you cannot tell that they are spines until the fish decides to inflate itself when feeling threatened.

– Do Freshwater Puffer Fish Have Teeth?

Another distinctive feature of the Amazon Puffer is its teeth that are fused together to form a beak. These teeth will never stop growing. Overgrown teeth prevent these puffers from eating properly, causing them to become malnourished.

What Happens If I Touch a Puffer Fish?

Almost all pufferfish species are deadly and some of them are listed among the most poisonous critters in the world. The skin and internal organs of these dangerous species contain tetrodotoxin, which is 1200 times more lethal than cyanide. Fortunately, the C. asellus does not produce the toxin directly. To create the toxins, the fish have to gather the bacteria from the diet that they eat in the wild.

Behavior and Temperament

The Amazonian Puffer is a difficult pet to keep but, because the fish is brimming with personality, many people can’t help but adore this species and welcome it into their home aquarium.

– Are Amazon Puffers Aggressive?

Very much! Some people say the C. asellus is the “nice puffer” and while this has some truth in it, we still don’t find the Amazonian Puffer friendly enough to be considered a good community fish. While this species is not as aggressive as its relatives, it is still aggressive and territorial towards its own kind.

– Are Amazon Puffers Fin Nippers?

Yes, they are! While puffers look adorable and comical, they are often ill-tempered and hostile. Most of these fish will inflict damage to their tank mates, especially to those that are slow-moving and long-finned. While the C. asellus is not as aggressive as other pufferfish, it is not exempted to this rule. Amazon Puffers will sometimes nip fins and usually these happen during meal times. Fortunately, these puffers move like a blimp rather than a torpedo!

– Amazon Puffers Are Smart and Always on the Go

One of the reasons why these little oddballs are so popular is due to their inquisitiveness. Amazon Puffers are quite entertaining to watch; they use their big googly eyes to examine decorations and explore every nook and cranny of their home. As these fish are intelligent, you need to provide them with enough enrichment.

– Why Are Amazon Puffers Glass Surfing?

It is not uncommon to see Amazon Puffers swimming incessantly against the tank walls, particularly when they have been recently introduced to their new home. This behavior is often referred to as glass surfing and this is a normal behavior to a certain extent. Overtime, this behavior decreases significantly.

If your puffers are still glass surfing unceasingly after a month or so, it could mean your fish are stressed for one reason or another. Are there plenty of ornaments to keep your pets occupied or is the tank barren? Is the water warm enough? You also need to test the water parameters regularly to ensure they are not causing discomfort to your sensitive fish.

– Do Freshwater Puffer Fish Puff Up?

Yes, they do and that is why these oddballs are called as such. When an Amazon Puffer feels stressed or threatened by another fish, it will instinctively inflate its body by sucking air and water into its mouth and pumping it into its stomach.

An inflated puffer fish can appear twice its size to intimidate any potential predator. Take note; you should never trigger your pufferfish to puff up. Some people find it amusing to make these animals inflate themselves. Doing so, however, will only put your fish under a huge amount of stress.

Amazon Puffer: A Community Fish Or Just Another Aggressive Puffer? - Badman's Tropical Fish (7)Amazon Puffer Fish Care

Amazon Puffer: A Community Fish Or Just Another Aggressive Puffer? - Badman's Tropical Fish (8)Diet

Amazon Puffers have a huge appetite and they feed on an assortment of food in the wild. Almost half of their diet comprises insects, such as mayfly, fishflies and shadflies. The rest involves snails, non-biting midges, snails, and algae. While these puffers are omnivores, they obviously prefer meaty bits rather than plants. You can mimic this diet in the home aquarium by providing your fish the following:

  • Aphids
  • Bloodworms
  • Blackworms
  • Brine shrimp
  • co*ckles
  • Earthworms
  • Krill
  • Mosquito larvae
  • Mysis shrimp
  • Live insects
  • Pinhead crickets
  • Ramshorn snails
  • Shellfish
  • Tiny crab legs
  • Woodlice

The Amazon Puffer diet is one of the most important aspects to consider when keeping them as pets. As you can see, we have included crunchy foods like gastropods. Ideally, you will want to feed your puffers plenty of snails as these help grind their teeth down. Dried commercial foods are additional options, such as algae wafers, pellets, and spirulina flakes.

Why Is My Puffer Fish Spitting Out Food?

Don’t be alarmed if you see your pets spitting out their food as this is a normal eating pattern for the Amazon Puffer, especially when eating live or frozen foods. These ravenous fish would sometimes cough out and rechew their food. All in all, they are messy eaters.

Can You Overfeed a Puffer Fish?

Of course! Amazon Puffers are gluttons; you will find them begging for food like homeless starving puppies. If you give in, they will overeat.

– Water Parameters

The water quality is the next crucial factor to consider when keeping Amazon Puffer fish. While hardness and pH do not matter much for this species, they cannot handle poor water quality. That said, the tank water has to be matured and fully cycled when introducing the fish.

Ammonia and nitrite levels should stay at 0 ppm. To keep the nitrate levels low as well, a weekly water change between 30 to 50 percent is needed. The temperature, however, is a different story. The Amazon Puffer fish prefer a temperature range between 74 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

– Treat Internal Parasites

All Amazon Puffer fish sold in fish stores are wild-caught and so there is a high chance that your fish have internal parasites. Even if your puffers are not showing signs of a parasitic infection, deworming is highly encouraged.

– Teeth Maintenance

Some online sources suggest sedating your fish with clove oil so that you could trim their teeth but this is ill-advised. Doing so only increases the risk of your fish getting serious dentistry complications. You will need the help of a veterinary professional.

The truth of the matter is, feeding your fish the right foods will wear their ever-growing teeth down and eliminate the need of having to intervene in the first place. If you find yourself having to trim your puffers’ teeth, then perhaps you are not feeding your fish enough hard foods.

Amazon Puffer: A Community Fish Or Just Another Aggressive Puffer? - Badman's Tropical Fish (9)Lifespan

When provided with optimal, you can expect these little fellows to live up to 10 years. With their long lifespan and lively personalities, the Amazon Puffer is a fantastic pet to keep for many years.

Tank Mates

Now, here’s the big question — is the Amazon Puffer a fantastic community fish or not? The short answer is no, but there are a few things you can do to make it work. Read on to learn more about the Amazon Puffer compatibility.

– What Can You Put With a Puffer Fish?

While Amazon Puffer fish are not as vile as their cousins, they are still considered aggressive. We have already established earlier that these fish are fin nippers and they have long razor-sharp teeth to boot.

Stomach content analysis has shown that there were pieces of fins and scales of other fish inside wild-caught specimens. Therefore, it is best not to include this species to a typical community aquarium, despite what other online sources suggest.

If you absolutely wish to keep multiple species of fish with your Amazon Puffer, extreme care has to be taken when selecting tank mates. Choose fish that are fast-swimming, short-finned and thrive in similar water values. That said, this rules out fish like angelfish, guppies and gouramis. As Amazon Puffers are mid-level swimmers, you may add bottom-dwellers that fancy warm temperatures.

– How Many Pufferfish Can You Keep?

Amazon Puffer: A Community Fish Or Just Another Aggressive Puffer? - Badman's Tropical Fish (10)You can keep a small group of six Amazon Puffer fish in a 55-gallon tank. Make most of the space by adding a few compatible species, particularly benthic feeders like plecos. For a 30-gallon tank, keep a maximum of three.

Most species of pufferfish do not need companions to live a happy, healthy, stress-free life. The Amazonian Puffer, on the other hand, can be much more personable to its caretaker when the fish is kept in a group. In the wild, these puffers work together to achieve foraging success and ensure better predator detection.

Then again, animals are always individualistic. While two or three puffers may get along, one fellow might be intolerant of its own kind or other species. Should you decide to keep multiple fish, it would be wise to have an alternate tank on hand just in case things don’t work out well.

Amazon Puffer: A Community Fish Or Just Another Aggressive Puffer? - Badman's Tropical Fish (11)Tank Setup

The ideal Amazon Puffer setup is one that mimics its natural habitat. Find out how to provide them with the best environment below.

– Tank Size

The tank size will depend upon the number of fish you wish to keep. While some sources may say that 15 gallons is more than enough for a group of two or three, we encourage you to provide a tank with a bigger capacity in volume and footprint. If possible, start with 30 gallons or more. The reason why you want an oversized tank is due to their messy eating habits; ammonia spikes are more manageable in a large aquarium.

– Plants and Decorations

Another reason why it is more advantageous to have a large tank is that you can provide as much enrichment as you can for your fish while still leaving ample swimming room. Curious puffers will appreciate a well-decorated tank. To replicate the natural appearance of its native habitat, arrange driftwood, smooth water-worn rocks, etc.

Most importantly, add tall aquarium plants on all four sides; Puffer fish tend to get spooked out by their own reflection. You may also use a pre-printed scene or a three-dimensional backdrop to cut down reflection.

– Substrate

We recommend fine substrates although these critters don’t interact much with the bottom. Substrates with extra-fine particles are the safest option and, compared to conventional gravel substrates, they do not allow leftovers to fall between the crevices.

– Equipment

Amazonian Puffer fish are not fast swimmers but they are constantly on the move. As they are naturally migratory in the wild, these fish prefer relatively strong water currents.

What you need:

  • Filtration system that can cycle the water volume
  • Rotating powerhead to provide sufficient water movement
  • Secure cover as they are great jumpers

Amazon Puffer: A Community Fish Or Just Another Aggressive Puffer? - Badman's Tropical Fish (12)Breeding

All specimens in the aquarium trade are wild-caught. Up till now there are no reliable reported cases of successful commercial breeding attempts, let alone in home aquariums. However, it is known that the Amazon Puffer do not exhibit parental care after the females lay their eggs. The fertilized eggs will travel with the water’s current and the hatchlings will be left to their own devices.


Owing to its cute bumblebee looks and convenient size, the Amazon Puffer has become one of the most popular species of fish in the hobby. To achieve success, you will need to deliver proper care for this active species.

  • Amazon Puffer: A Community Fish Or Just Another Aggressive Puffer? - Badman's Tropical Fish (13)The Amazon Puffer has five stripes running across the top of its body: one above the eye, one behind the eye, one behind the pectoral fin, one under the dorsal fin, and one ring before the caudal fin.
  • Amazon Puffers have teeth that never stop growing. Help your fish grind them down naturally by providing them crunchy foods.
  • The hardness and pH do not matter much for this species, but the temperature and quality of the water are vital. Always have good cycled water without zero levels of nitrite and ammonia.
  • Deworm Amazonian Puffer fish to prevent trouble down the road. Although they can handle parasitic infections in the wild, diseases can quickly worsen in undiluted closed water systems.
  • The Amazon Puffer fish is not the best community fish, but you can house bottom-dwellers and fast-moving short-finned fish.

While these little guys are definitely not pets to keep for the beginning hobbyist, they are the perfect choice for intermediate and expert level aquarists looking for an oddball.

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Amazon Puffer: A Community Fish Or Just Another Aggressive Puffer? - Badman's Tropical Fish (2024)
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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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