Have You Seen All the Animals in This A to Z Picture Gallery? (2024)

This image gallery contains an A to Z collection of animal pictures, from Atlantic puffins to zebra finches.


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Atlantic Puffin

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The Atlantic puffin (Fratercula arctica) is a small seabird belonging to the same family as murres and auklets. The Atlantic puffin has a black back, neck, and crown. Its belly is white and its face varies between white and light gray, depending on the time of year and the age of the bird. The Atlantic puffin has a distinct, bright orange wedge of a bill. During the breeding season, it has more distinct coloration, with yellow lines that outline a black area at the base of the bill.


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Bobcats (Lynx rufus) are small cats that inhabit a range that stretches throughout a large portion of North America, from southern Canada to southern Mexico. Bobcats have a cream to buff-colored coat that is dappled with dark brown spots and stripes. They have short tufts of fur at the tips of their ears and a fringe of fur that frames their faces.


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The cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) is the world's fastest land animal. Cheetahs can achieve speeds of up to 110km/h (63 mph), but they can only maintain these bursts for short periods of time. Their sprints often last, at most, ten to 20 seconds. Cheetahs depend on their speed to survive. The animals on which they prey (such as gazelles, young wildebeest, impala, and hares) are also fast, agile animals. To catch a meal, cheetahs must be quick.


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Dusky Dolphin

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The dusky dolphin (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) is a medium-sized dolphin, growing to lengths of five and a half to seven feet and weights of 150 to 185 pounds. It has a sloping face with no dominant beak nose. It is dark gray (or dark blue-gray) on its back and white on its belly.


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European Robin

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The European robin (Erithacus rebecula) is a small perching bird that can be found throughout many parts of Europe. It has an orange-red breast and face, olive-brown wings and back, and a white to a light brown belly. You can sometimes see a blue-grey fringe around the bottom part of the robin's red breast patch. European robins have brown legs and a blunt, square tail. They have large, black eyes and a small, black bill.


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The firefish (Pterois volitans), also known as the lionfish, was first described in 1758 by Dutch naturalist Johan Frederick Gronovius. The firefish is a species of scorpionfish that has exquisite reddish-brown, gold, and cream-yellow bands of markings on its body. It is one of eight species of the genus Pterois.

Green Turtle

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The green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) is among the largest marine turtles and also the most widespread. It grows to lengths of about three to four feet and weights of up to 200 kg (440 pounds). It uses its flipper-like front limbs to propel itself through the water. Their flesh is a light color with a hint of green, and they have small heads relative to the size of their body. Unlike many other species of turtles, green turtles are unable to retract their head into their shell.


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Hippopotamuses (Hippopotamus amphibius) are large, semiaquatic hoofed mammals that live near rivers and lakes in central and southeastern Africa. They have bulky bodies and short legs. They are good swimmers and can remain underwater for five minutes or more. Their nostrils, eyes, and ears sit atop their head so that they can almost entirely submerge themselves while still being able to see, hear, and breathe.


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The indri (Indri indri) is one of the largest of all species of lemur. It is native to Madagascar.


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Jumping Spider

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There are over 5,000 species of jumping spiders (Salticidae),which together make up the family Salticidae. Jumping spiders have eight eyes: four large eyes on the front of their head, two tiny eyes on the side, and two medium-sized eyes on the rear of their head. They also have well-developed jumping skills, enabling them to leap up to 50 times their own body length.


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Komodo Dragon

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Komodo dragons (Varanus komodoensis) are the largest of all lizards. They can grow to lengths of three meters (just under ten feet) and can weigh as much as 165 kg (363 pounds). Komodo dragons belong to the family Varanidae, a group of reptiles known more commonly as the monitor lizards. Adult Komodo dragons are dull brown, dark gray, or reddish in color, while juveniles are green with yellow and black stripes.


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The lion (Panthera leo) is a species of the large cat group that has a buff-colored coat, white underparts, and a long tail that ends in a black tuft of fur. Lions are the second largest species of cat, smaller only to the tiger (Panthera tigris).


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Marine Iguana

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The marine iguana (Amblyrhynchuscristatus) is a large iguana that reaches lengths of two to three feet. It is gray to black in color and has prominent dorsal scales. The marine iguana is a unique species. It is thought that they are the ancestors of land iguanas that arrived in the Galapagos millions of years ago after floating from mainland South America on rafts of vegetation or debris. Some of the land iguanas that made their way to the Galapagos later gave rise to the marine iguana.


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Nene Goose

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The nene (or Hawaiian) goose (Branta sandvicensis) is the state bird of Hawaii. The nene in some ways resembles its closest living relative, the Canada goose (Branta canadensis), although the nene is smaller in size, reaching lengths of 53 to 66 centimeters (21 to 26 inches). The nene has yellow-buff cheeks and black feathers on the back of its neck, the top of its head, and its face. Diagonal rows of creamy-white feathers form deep furrows along its neck.


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The ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) is a small cat that is native to South America and Central America.


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Pronghorns (Antilocapra americana)are deer-like mammals that have light-brown fur on their body, a white belly, a white rump, and black markings on their face and neck. Their head and eyes are large and they have a stout body. Males have dark brownish-black horns with anterior prongs. Females have similar horns and they lack prongs. The forked horns of the male pronghorn are unique, as no other animal is known to have forked horns.


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The quetzal, also known as the resplendent quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno) is a member of the trogon family of birds. The quetzal lives in southern Mexico, Costa Rica, and parts of western Panama. Quetzals have green iridescent feathers on their body and a red breast. Quetzals feed on fruit, insects, and small amphibians.


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Roseate Spoonbill

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The roseate spoonbill (Platalea ajaja) is a unique wading bird that has a long spatulate, or spoon-shaped, bill that is flattened at the tip into a broad disk shape. The bill is lined with sensitive nerve endings that help the roseate spoonbill locate and capture prey. To forage for food, the spoonbill probes the bottom of shallow wetlands and marshes and swings its bill back and forth in the water. When it detects prey (such as small fish, crustaceans, and other invertebrates), it scoops up the food in its bill.


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Snow Leopard

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The snow leopard (Panthera uncia) is a large species of cat that roams the mountain ranges of central and southern Asia. The snow leopard is well-adapted for the cold temperatures of its high-altitude habitat. It has a plush coat of fur that grows quite long. The fur on its back grows to one inch in length, the fur on its tail is two inches long, and the fur on its belly reaches three inches in length.


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Tufted Titmouse

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The tufted titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor) is a small, gray-plumed songbird, easily recognized for the crest of gray feathers atop its head, its big black eyes, black forehead, and rust-colored flanks. They are quite common throughout the eastern part of North America, so if you're in that geographical region and want to catch a glimpse of a tufted titmouse, it may not be that difficult to find.


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Uinta Ground Squirrel

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The Uinta ground squirrel (Urocitellus armatus) is a mammal native to the northern Rocky Mountains and its surrounding foothills. Its range stretches through Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, and Utah. The squirrels inhabit grasslands, fields, and dry meadows and feed on seeds, greens, insects, and small animals.


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The viceroy butterfly (Limenitis archippus) is an orange, black, and white butterfly that resembles the monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus). The viceroy is a Mullerian mimic of the monarch, which means that both species are harmful to predators. The caterpillars of viceroys feed on poplars and cottonwoods, which cause a buildup of salicylic acid in their bodies. This causes predators who eat them to get an upset stomach.


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Whale Shark

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Despite its massive size and apparent visibility, the whale shark (Rhincodon typus) is a giant fish that remains, in many respects, a big mystery. Scientists know little about its behavior and life history, but what they do know paints a picture of a gentle giant.


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Armadillos, sloths, and anteaters are all Xenarthra. This group is comprised of placental mammals that once roamed across ancient Gondwanaland before the continents of the Southern Hemisphere separated into their present-day configuration.


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Yellow Warbler

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The yellow warbler (Dendroica petechia) is a native to most parts of North America, though it is not present in the south or along the Gulf coast. Yellow warblers are bright yellow over their entire body, with slightly darker upper parts and chestnut streaks on their belly.


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Zebra Finch

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Zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) are ground-dwelling finches native to Central Australia. They inhabit grasslands, forests, and open habitats with scattered vegetation. Adult zebra finches have a bright orange bill and orange legs.

Have You Seen All the Animals in This A to Z Picture Gallery? (2024)
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